Monday, August 7, 2017

What we are looking forward to

Several students wrote over the weekend about what they are most looking forward to on this trip. Here are some of their posts:

What I'm Looking For on this trip to go to Niagara Falls and have fun and I'm also looking for to go to Cedar Point and Sandusky Ohio. Also to be on all the rides I never went to clean a Sandusky Ohio so there's going to be a  good time. and the reason why I'm happy and ready for it is because I never been to Sandusky Ohio and New York. I'm going to have a very good time this year. - Mara G. (11th grade)

The things i am most looking forward to during the academic trip are : Niagra Falls, Cedar Point, and the zoo. i want to see Niagra falls because it seems so cool and i have always wanted to see it since i was younger. the second place i really look forwward to is Cedar Point because the first time i went there was in 4th grade and back then i was scared of most of the rides but hopefully when i go this time i will be able to ride at least some of the ones i didnt when i was younger. the last place i am looking forward to is the zoo because even though we have a zoo not to far away from us, i never really go and going to one i have never been to would seem very cool and fun. -Alfredo (11th grade)

I am going to Buffalo New York for this year's academic trip. I am mainly looking forward to seeing the Niagara Falls and going to Cedar Point. I am most excited to for these things because I've always dreamed to go see tourist attractions such as Niagara Falls. I've never seen a waterfall so I'm excited to finally see one in person. I am excited for Cedar Point because I love roller coasters and I went before but didn't get to ride all the rides so I'm excited I get to finish all the rides that wasn't able to ride when I last came. - Joella O (11th Grade)

What i am really looking forward to is cedar point and niagara falls.Mainly because I dont usally ride big rides. This will be my first time cause everytime i would hear people screaming at the top of their lungs, when they are on the rides and that is what would make me scared.So I cant wait to get on the rides I cant wait for niagra falls because it sounds fun and I learned about it at school but never really got to experience it.Im just so ready for this exciting experience that will probably stick with me for the rest of my life. - Amara C. (10th grade)

I am most looking forward to taking pictures of Niagara Fall. I’m really into photography so I know it will be a great view and I’ll be able to take a lot of great photos. I am also looking forward to going to Cedar Oint because I’ve never been there and even though I don’t care for rides too much, I still know it’ll be really fun and maybe I’ll try out a few rides. - Ryan (11th grade)

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