Friday, August 11, 2017

Cedar Point

On Friday, we went to Cedar Point! I was put on penalty for 5 minutes because I accidently was out past curfew (I didn’t mean to), but that was the worst part about it, even though it wasn’t that bad. So, we had a buddy system for Cedar Point, you couldn’t be found walking alone or you'll get in trouble. At first, I was supposed to team up with Barsha, but then she was scared of rollercoasters, and those were the ones I mainly wanted to ride. So, I decided to group with Asmita and Pershana.

Just when we were gonna leave for the rides, we invited Megan to join us, that was the best decision of our lives because Megan has been there before and knew which rides to ride first and what not. We wanted to do the GateKeeper first, but the lines were really long! So, we decided to do the Wicked Twister. I could tell already that the ride was gonna be scary. I was already shaking and we hadn't even got on the ride yet! When we got on the ride I was really scared, I was having second thoughts, but it was too late, I was already strapped in and the ride was going to start. I’m not even going to front, the ride was SCARY! I was shaking when I got off, and my throat was already hurting from screaming so much, and it was only the first ride! But at the same time, it was an amazing ride, I was amazed about the fact that I actually rode it and was still alive. We got on many rides after that and I was left with a better feeling every time.

Overall, the whole Cedar Point trip was fun! I can't believe Upward Bound is over until next year. I’m looking forward to it. I had the best summer ever this year and learned a lot! And I plan on taking my family to Cedar Point now to show them what fear really is.  - Isha (10th grade)

Today at cedar point I learned a lot of cool things. I learned that there were rides higher than 200ft. Which is kinda of scary, but also cool at the same time. I also learned that if a carousel goes too fast, people could fall out because of physics. I also got a chance to learn that the back of a roller coaster actually goes faster then the front because it is getting pulled. Even though I wasn't to excited for Friday, I really did enjoy it. - Savannah (10th grade)

Today was the last day of the trip we got to go to cedar point. My favorite part of the day was getting to ride the roller coasters and getting to enjoy the day with friends. The only thing I didn't like in the park was a ride called air max because it felt like I was going to fall, but from there and on everything and everyday of the trip was fun. Thank you upward bound 😊. - Arianna (10th grade)


Today was our last day and we went to cedar point. While there, we went on a bunch of rides. My buddy was Olivia P-S, and it was awesome! We ate some really good chili, cheese, bacon fries. Later we went and got ice cream and we got the new themed flavor of the ride VALRAVIN. After that we actually went on the ride. I was able to convince Olivia to sit in the very front. The rest of the day, we went on a few other rides and then started to go home. - Brittney (11th grade)

Today, I went to Cedar Point and had a lot of fun with Brittney. We went on many different rides. Like the Raptor and ValRaven. And smaller things like the Carousel and Gemini. We had ValRaven flavored ice cream, and got a free pass for refillable drinks by a nice couple we rode a roller coaster with. The best part is I got over my fear. So overall today was a great day. - Olivia P-S (11th grade)

Today we went to cedar point and i was with Izzy, Marmar, Momo, Chris, Moni and Destin - we waz lit. I went on this one blue rollercoaster,  it was crazy how high they was dropping us 💯 ! It was like it just 78ft, like dude no. I almost died 😂 i saw all 16 years of my life flash before my eyes, but i lived to tell my tale. -Darielle (11th grade)
Today we went to Cedar Point - it was really fun. Besides my feet hurting, my favorite ride was (I think it's called) the max air. it would rock back and forth really fast and when we were up in the air, it's like everybody looked like ants. I was scared. I kept screaming momma and Kiyla thought it was funny. It's like it took my soul and I came back again it was crazy. When I got off I was wobbling like crazy, I'm never listening to Kiyla again, when she asks to get on another ride. Now, I have been dizzy all day ever since that ride. I didn't get on another one, but this day was really fun. The highlight of the day was the food; it was banging, but it was expensive. - Amara (10th grade)

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