Thursday, August 10, 2017

Morning Reflections about First Three Days of Academic Trip

Going to the zoo was something I enjoyed. We got to go around the zoo and enjoy seeing the different animals, as well as learning. We learned which animals were in endangered or vulnerable. There are 7 levels of conservation statue chart; they are extinct, extinct in wild, critically endangered, endanger, vulnerable, nearly threatened, and least concern. We also learned that they had SSP or Species Survival Plan that helps conserve and manage the threatened species in North America. 

        I love animals and going to the zoo to see them. I got to see many different animals like the maned wolf, that looked like a fox and is closer related to foxes. I also got to see the polar bears, which I have never seen in real life. There were many different kinds of animals and I loved that I got to see so many. I am glad that I had the opportunity to go on this trip. – Daniela (grade 10)


Wednesday, I spent the day at the zoo. It was really cool seeing all the animals, and it's bigger than the zoo we have in Michigan. I liked seeing the polar bears at the zoo, they were really huge up close. Also, I liked seeing the gorillas; they were very interesting to look at. After that, we went to see a musical called pretty funny. The story it told was really good and it had a good story plot. The actors were funny and it was my first time seeing a musical up close and in real life, so it was an amazing experience. All around, it was a really great day and I can't wait to see what we do tomorrow. – Brian (grade 11)


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