Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Day 3 Reflections

Today was fun day. We went to the zoo and I saw lots of species. I love elephants and tigers. It was cool. Also, we went to watch pretty funny show. That show was amazing. All the people in that show have great talent. In addition, we went to military park and got to see how navy men/women live in the ship or boat. It was pretty cool. – Parshana (11th grade)


The first thing we did was go to Niagara falls after the long bus ride here. It was an absolute good experience for me because I have never been anywhere like this and it is absolutely beautiful. We went to the very first place that created Buffalo wings. It was amazing I really loved it! Then we went to this play called pretty funny, and it was very inspiring - I loved all their voices. – Izlandria (11th grade)


Today was really fun. I kind of got up very slow in the morning. The zoo was amazing, it felt good being around the animals and I was excited when we went to the lions exhibit. Lions are my favorite animals. The male lion reminds me of leadership and pride and that I can be a leader myself and run things my way.

The navy ship tour was hard because it had so much walking, but it was worth it. Inside the ships were amazing. I do not know how that fit so many people in those small places.

Dinner today was awesome - laughing and eating chicken wings with my friends at the Original Buffalo Wings. The wings were spicy😂😂😂😂. I could not feel my tongue at all.

The play was wonderful. I like how we got the chance to talk to the cast and ask them question. I low key wish I could repeat today. – Monta’ (11th grade)


On this day our first activity was going to the Buffalo Zoo, which was actually pretty big comparing to the one we have back home. There was a lot of animals that I've never seen before, and  some of the names I couldn't even pronounce. But overall it was pretty cool to see. 

After the zoo we went to the Buffalo Naval & Military Park where we toured and and saw big war ships, planes, and submarines. I don't know how those men did it, because every part of the boats were pretty small and there was very little air circulation. I know that, because I had a little incident happen to me (asthma), but when I got settled down I went to their little gift shop and got my Uncle a "hero"  pin because he was also in the military. After all that, we went to the Buffalo Canal side which is like a little dock with different venders and food. - Mohogany (11th grade)


We went to a military park. The ship and boat were so huge. Inside, the ship there were thousands of stuff were there. the ship was huge but, inside there wasn't big room for navy they had to share. Bedrooms were so close to others. But it was interesting to know about navy ships and what they do inside, and our tour guide was on Navy for 6 years - I think. It was tiring but we had fun touring the military park. - Asmita (10th grade)

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