Monday, August 7, 2017

I could have stayed there for hours!

On Monday, we went to Niagra falls. I really like the veiw . I've never been at the falls before so I really wasn't expecting anything Like that. But it was different. I expected simple plain water, but I saw a really big water fall! It was scary looking but also really cool. I could have stayed there for hours watching the falls. And then when it became dark, the falls started changing colors like literally! It was beautiful but also cold. But (mostly beautiful). I took tons of pictures and videos of it and sent it to my dad, he didn't believe I took the photos because they were so good. Even he was amazed by the color change! Niagara Falls is BEAUTIFUL! I'll bring my whole family there one day and let them do all the fun things I did with upward bound. (Isha - grade 10)

Photos are also by Isha.


I really enjoyed the first day because it was my first time seeing the colors on the Niagara Falls. I really like that we got to stay late and watch the sunset and the fireworks. I also loved seeing all the upward bound students getting along and looking out for each other. Over all I'm really enjoying this trip. - Sarah (grade 12)

Our first day in new york was lit. We went to Niagara* falls  and saw the lights and fireworks it was very pretty then we went to this Italian place they food was really good. Especially the pasta. But the table i sat at we sang songs like throw backs😂❤ my guy but I really enjoyed myself. – Darielle (grade 11)

So  far this trip has been FANTASTIC!! We had so much fun, on Day 1 - we did a lot of stuff, it made the day feel like the whole week! I kept saying “wow, it's only day one.” On day 1, we went to Niagara Falls and watched the fireworks and hung out we talked a lot and just had fun. We ate at this Italian restaurant, that was served family style. Day 1 was a lot of fun. - Taylyn (grade 11)

   Monday, we went to the power plant in new york at niagara falls and learned a lot of things about power energy. I learned that the water is used to give us lights and the electricity we use now.I learned that the power plant is mainly based on the energy that is passed through from city to city for electricity. I also learned that if anything happens to the water and something goes wrong, we can have a huge light out around the world that it effects. This is why the power plant in New York is a good place to go and learn about electricity.    – Jadas (10th grade)                                                                                    

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