Tuesday, August 8, 2017

At first I thought, "Niagara Falls, that sounds boring"....


The past two days for me was a blast. The view we had of Niagra Falls was amazing and the fire works last night were really exciting. I like the Cave of the Winds and the boat ride because we got soaking wet; I just love the water. The view of Toronto was beautiful. When I graduate, I'm definitely coming back up here to visit. Another thing I liked was swimming in the hotel with all my friends and laughing but I can't wait to go to Cleveland and Cedar Point. - Monta' (grade 11)


 I am writing this while finishing the second day of the summer trip. First day, we had dinner at this Italian restaurant that served it family style. It was really good food and I loyed everything they prepared for us. Next, we went the Niagara power plant that used the falls for power. It was interesting, I learned how they used the rushing streams to push a big fan like thing that have coiled up copper, and magnets and it made electricity. It was cool seeing how they used the earth natural thing to make power for many houses. I learned that it powered 25% of Buffalo NY. Next, we went to see the main thing Niagara Falls, and seeing it through your own eyes is amazing. It really huge and amazing view. During that first night, we were able to see the fireworks they launch at night and how they shine light to the falls to make it look amazing and they fireworks made the show even better. The next day we have to go up close to the fall and it was really amazing. We took a boat that let us go so close to the falls that we got soaking wet because of it. It made it such an amazing experience. Going on this trip was really worth it and there is still more to come. – Brian (grade 11)


My favorite part of this trip so far was going to Old Fort Niagra because the firing of the cannon and musket. The thing I'm looking most forward to is going to the original wild wings. The most boring thing on my opinion is the study we have to do which I know is required, but it's still boring. - Destin (grade 10)


We have spent the past two days visiting Niagara Falls, it has been a very cool experience. At first I thought "niagra falls, that sounds boring." Now, I am so glad that it was chosen as the destination of this trip. It has been such a great experience and I am so glad I got to spend that time here. Going to the falls and seeing the water, very up close and also from far away. We were so close to the falls you could literally touch the water, not only that, we were so close to Canada that we could walk over there, we couldn't since we didn't bring our passports. Last night we watched the fireworks at the falls and today we went super close up. The maid of the mist was name of the boat that we went on, it was so close up that it felt like it was raining , we had to wear ponchos. There was also a spot where we could stand in the tunnel of winds where the waterfall would drop water on you, it was just such a great experience, I really hope one day I can come back.  - Jesus (grade 11)

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