Wednesday, August 9, 2017


The students had an amazing time tonight at the Pretty/Funny Musical at MusicalFare Theatre in Buffalo. It was likely not the activity they most wanted to do on this trip, but by intermission, many were hugely affected by the strong relevant storyline, wonderful music, and hilarious moments. We all want to thank the Pretty/Funny cast and crew for allowing the students the opportunity to meet you after the show, answering their questions, and taking a picture with them. On the bus back to our hotel, the students could not stop talking about the show. They were extremely excited and sold on the fact that they enjoy musicals. For some of the students, it was their first live professional performance of any type and for others, it was the first musical they have ever seen performed. In their own words - "It was awesome." Here's a link to the websites:

A couple reflections from the show:

Today in Buffalo, New York, I went to a musical called pretty/funny. It was hilarious and awesome. We even were able to take a group picture with all the actors and got a chance to ask the actors some questions. One of the actors called Genevieve (I believe is how you spell it) was actually 28 and she played it off as a 12 yr old. Her role was about a young teen going to school who gets bullied and wants to change herself but then realizes being herself is a lot more better. It was good. I definitely had a good time. It made me laugh many times. I guess you can say it was "pretty funny". Haha *awkward laugh* - Joella (grade 11)


 Today on the upward bound trip, what I enjoyed was the pretty/funny (musical). That was the best musical that I ever watched. I like the message that the play was sending out to us - the message was to be yourself. My favorite actor in the musical was Jenny, because she was always being herself. I also liked the way each person sang in their own way. Today was one of the funniest days on the Upward Bound trip.  – Kiyla (10th grade)


More students reflected on the play as part of larger day 3 reflections and some is shared elsewhere in this blog.

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