Monday, August 7, 2017

Photos of Day 1

Photos by many participants:

Our first stop is Niagara Power Vista... who knew learning about hydroelectricity could be so much fun!
Note the creative backpacks all students wear which helps identify our group. Michelle has started calling us the "emoji's." We are sure it is not because we are so full of drama and emotions!

We learn about how the Dams process more than 750,000 gallons of water per SECOND! Later we calculate, that means, 6,480,000,000 gallons of water each day!

So, there's this 4-D ride at the Power Vista - yes, 4-D! We learn about electricity while being thrown in a million directions, having water squirted in our faces, and being warmed by hot lamps. Many of us went back for a second ride!

What a view:

We are just hanging around:

Dinner at Como Restaurant had mixed reviews... but the pizza bread and ice cream were a huge hit!

♭♭♭ "Welcome to New York, we've been waiting for you..."♭♭♭

Finally, we see Niagara Falls! WOW!!!!!

There's those clever bags again...

We are enjoying the view!

From the observation tower

incredible sunset

Our chaperones are a little too serious... lol

that's better...

What an end to a great first day... fireworks over the Falls!

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