Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Morning Reflections

Students continue to write about the first 2 days early Wednesday morning:

Starting off These Past Two Days Have Been Something To Remember! Along from the long bus ride when we arrived, we headed straight to the Falls. We all were lined up against the fence watching. Since we got here late at night we saw the Falls all lit up with different colored lights and the next thing you know there are fireworks being shot across the water. Across the water there was Canada. A whole different country just a swim away! Kidding we can't swim but Canada is literally right in front of you. Some of us even went to the observation tower to get a better look. That wasn't the end of our time at the Falls. Day two we went into the Falls...LITERALLY! We went on a boat called Maid of the mist and we got drenched with cold water. We were seriously in the Falls. Also we went into the cave of the winds and climbed the stairs alongside the Falls and anywhere you stood You ended up getting soaked! These past few days have been amazing and such an incredible experience. I wouldn't trade this opportunity for the world. Very thankful! – Kenidee (11th grade)

In the past two days we've done a lot of fun things. I had the most fun on Tuesday because of the cave of winds, maid of the mist, and the old fort Niagara was pretty interesting also. The cave of the winds was my favorite though, I did not expect to legit get soaked by the falls but it was fun to get all close and personal with them. The thing I found interesting about the old fort Niagara was that they showed us a musket and canon demonstration. It was pretty fun and I’m really liking new york. – Alonna (grade 11)

We went on a boat to the waterfall - it was so beautiful, it made me so happy and I really thank Michelle for everything because I don't think I would have been here if it wasn't for her. It was amazing when we went to go see the fireworks the colors were beautiful and it made me so happy and I could not keep my mouth closed at all it was too awesome. – Aquenah (grade 10)

These past two days were so fun. Honestly, I think the first day was more fun than the whole Boston trip even though the Boston trip was really fun, too. It feels like we did so much even though we didn’t do that much. I loved taking photos of everything because Niagara Falls looks so nice and it was just amazing. I took some of my best photos here already. I know that I’ll love the rest of this trip. – Ryan (11th grade)

Photo by Christopher G-O
          Yesterday we watched a 40 min short film about a girl and her brother. Their boat engine stopped working and they fell out. Rodger, the little brother, went down Nigara Falls with just a life jacket, but the older sister was grabbed before she went down. Eventually they found Rodger alive at the bottom. After the short film, we went on the maiden of the mist. I was standing on the front of the boat on the top. Up there it was hard to keep your balance. The closer we got to the waterfall the harder it was to see and the harder the wind started blowing. - Christopher G-O (12th grade)


Tuesday we went to the Niagara Falls. We saw how massive and beautiful they are. We did multiple activities. The first thig we did was go to Fort Niagara. It was a fort at which battles in between the british and the french were fought. While we were there a musket and a canon were fired so we could see them in action. Then we headed to Goat island for lunch. After that we went to the theatre to watch a movie on daredevils who performed stunts over the falls. Then we went on the Maid of the Midst boat to underneath the water falls and see how huge they are. It was beautiful. Then our next activity was Cave of the Winds. We were right below the water falls and got soaked but it was so worth it. Then we went to eat dinner at a bowling alley and it was fun. After a long day we headed to the pool to relax and have fun. We had a great night sleep since we did not have to wake up until 8:30 a.m.   - Erika (grade 12)

So far so good – honestly, I love this trip. I’m having the time of my life and making some wonderful friendship; and the ones that I already have I'm making stronger, this trip is lit. The first day I thought I was going to be very bored and unhappy, but if was very fun and I had a fun time. The fireworks were amazing and I have never been that close to a waterfall, let alone Canada. – Christopher L (grade 11)

Yesterday, we went to Niagara Falls and learned about some of its history. We went on Maid of the Mist and got wet then we went to Cave of the Winds and got more wet. It was a very fun experience. – Joella (grade 11)

Photos by Joella.


Yesterday, we were at the NIAGARA FALLS!! Like we were really there. It was such an amazing experience, like I literally almost cried (but I didn't though). We saw the falls up close on the Maid of The Mist, we also saw the fireworks the day before. It was absolutely beautiful- I loved it, I never thought I would really go there, I'm glad I got this opportunity. – Mohogany (grade 11)


So far, we’ve learned a lot of things in the first two day’s.

We’ve all been to the Power Vista, where the water powers millions and millions of homes. We visited Niagara Falls which was beautiful. This is my first time and I really enjoyed it. The Falls are beautiful at night 😍 . The lights on the Falls made it two times better. The fireworks were ok. Old fort Niagara taught me a lot of things from history about Britain and Germany. It was cool when the cannon was shot. We got on the Maid of the Mist, and rode on the Falls which took us into the mist. After, we went to the cave of the winds which really got us soaked. The bowling alley was old school. Swimming at the hotel was fun as well. - Damara (11th grade) 

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