Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Day 2 Reflections

Today was a pretty fun. We started out at the Niagara fort, which was pretty cool, it was just early so some of us were still a little sleepy. Then from there we headed to lunch I believe which was besides the bird attack lol, that was a little scary and then we headed back to the falls. That was really fun we got super wet like three times almost! We started out with the boat and we climbed some stairs and then the cave and I think out of all the cave got us the most we, and I loved every part of it! And thats how our second day went. – Niya (grade 12)


Today I learned how to decipher a  cipher code. It's very easy. There is a box like a TicTacToe square and an ex. Each section has two letters and you have to match up the letters  with the position on the grid . If there is a dot in the middle of it it means that it's the second letter. (Olivia P-S, grade 11)


So far on my trip with the MSU Upward Bound I have actually enjoyed myself. I was so anxious and nervous no matter how much my family reassured me. I'm not really a big leave home person. I mean leave state or city person. I get nervous and sad and homesick and kind of freak out. On this trip, I am actually having fun. I join in activities and answer questions. I am learning a lot and I send pictures home for my family to see. I am excited for the rest of this trip especially if it’s anything like the beginning. – Angelina (grade 10)

Today we went to old fort Niagara, it was pretty amazing. 
I loved  the cave of the wind, I enjoy that mostly and I was soaked. It's was so uncomfortable to sit in the seat. Anyway it was fun. We watch a video clip, the seneary of Niagara fall was so amazing but the story was sad, and scary. Lot of peoples were scare to get in the boat after watching the video.  – Parshana (11th grade)

Photos by Parshana.

One thing that has made me happy on the trip so far is going to Niagara Falls. We got to see fireworks, highlights, and took a tour to see the waterfall up close. We spent 2 days seeing the waterfall and it was beautiful.

       The highlight changed the way the color of the water looked, some of the colors were blue, red, purple, green, pink, and orange. It was maybe 5 minutes each color and it would rotate. There was many places where you could see it but, I think being in the highest place and looking down gave the best view. 

   We took a tour by boat where we got up close to see the water coming down. The Niagara Falls' water is fossil water which was from the ice age. We got misted on the face and it was like a light rain. We then got to see the water up close and the closer you got the more water you got splashed on you. Once you got to the top, it was like a pouring rain. I love getting wet and seeing how beautiful it all looked. – Daniela (10th grade)


       The fireworks were short but fun. It took them a while to start but once they started, it was beautiful. It reminded me of the 4th of July but prettier thanks to the waterfall. 

       We took a tour by boat where we got up close to see the water coming down. The Niagara Falls' water is fossil water which was from the ice age. We got misted on the face and it was like a light rain. We then got to see the water up close and the closer you got the more water you got splashed on you. Once you got to the top, it was like a pouring rain. I love getting wet and seeing how beautiful it all looked. – Daniela (10th grade)


            Today in the morning, we went to Old Fort Niagara. We learned how a British solder lives and how they worked there guns. We also heard the tour talk about 15 men sharing a room and eating in one room. She also said that an officer that has an education has a better way of living. Later on that day, we went back to Niagara Falls, we all got to get on the Maid of Mist. That was my favorite part of my day. - Arianna (10th grade)


Yesterday I tried Italy food. It was my first time eating Italy food. I didn't think Italy food would be good, but I was wrong it was so good. 
All the activities made me happy in the past two days, but the best one was one we did today called cave of the wind-  it was so fun. I had amazing time with upward bound folks. Even though we had to wait a long time to get in the cave, there were so many people in line, but it was worth it; and we got sandals for free, too. A lot of people were soaked, I was soaked too, but not that much. -Asmita (grade 10)


The highlight of my day was going to the cave of the winds, because it was hot and you got wet so it cooled you off. Also, you got to get really close to the Niagara Falls. Another highlight of my day was the Maid of the Mist because we got to go on a boat and went right by the falls. Another thing I had really fun with was going to the pool and hot tub, then going outside to play apples to apples. - Mariah (grade 11)

What I learned about Old Fort Niagara was the British solder had to sleep 15 to 20 soldiers in the bed. And the solder the have an education have a better way of living. Also, they had to stay and live in one room all day. One thing I enjoyed about the Old Fort was when the man dressed up in British soldier uniforms showed us how the solders shoot the guns. After that, we went to the Adventure theater and watched a movie about a woman that floated across the ocean in a barrel to get famous. My favorite part of the day was when our group got on the Maid of the Mist boat to see the Nagara falls up close and in person and getting wet by the water. Another fave part was going up the cave of winds and going under Niagara falls water slashed and wet by the falling water. - Kiyla (grade 10)


Today in New York, we actually went to Niagara Falls. The biggest part of this trip and the main part of why we did this trip, was for Niagara Falls. We were able to get on a boat and get up close to the waterfall, which was an amazing experience. Then we went to the Cave of Winds, which allowed us to actually get closer and touch the water. Afterward, we went bowling which was also very fun. I ended up winning both games today, which felt pretty cool. Overall, today was a great day, and I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. - Natajsia (grade 11)


I was most looking foward to going to Niagara falls. The reason why I want to go there the most is because it's been a thing my family and I have wanted to do for a while now. But that hadn't been possible. Today, Upward bound has made it possible for me and my sister to be able to see the Niagra falls. I felt nerves at first about getting on a boat and getting really close to the falls, especially after the movie we watched about it. After stepping onto the boat, I felt really excited. It felt really amazing, yet crazy, to be on a boat with many people and being really close to the falls. I thank upward bound for such a great experience. - Briana (12th grade)

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